Enter the name of the corporation on the line in the certificate's title. The guidance below explains how SLT and CCEC meetings can be conducted in accordance with NYS Open Meetings Law (OML).This Notice of Board Meeting is used as a formal notice for the meeting of the firm's Board of Directors. Download the template and use it today. Also enter the name of the corporation in Paragraph First and in the title of the certificate on the last page of the form. The completed typewritten form must be filled out correctly prior to emailing your request. Incorrectly filled forms will be rejected. Written notice of each meeting shall state the place, hour and date of the meeting and, unless it is the annual meeting of the Members,. QHSPC Virtual meeting notice for Monday, January 13, 2025 at pm. Success Academy also stores your information when you request more information about Success Academy Charter Schools or register for an event.