Broward School Board Leasing Corp. School Board meetings will be held with Board Members being physically present and via electronic communication.All teachers have an audio conference license and thus have the ability to dial out to a phone number from a Teams Meeting. The School Board of Broward County, FL shall consider School Board Policy 6316- Visiting Teachers for Rulemaking at a Regular School Board Meeting. All staff member are required to sign in no later than to daily. After 11 months of haggling, the Broward County School Board and the Broward Teachers Union have agreed on a new contract. Our world-class, highly experienced teachers build a strong relationship with your child to ensure they're ready to get the most out of their school day. Please also fill out form 8B prior to the meeting. Teachers are not to deliver educational materials or visit the homes of students and their families until further notice. Your badge must be current during the semester(s) in which you are completing field placement.