These virtual 341 meetings via Zoom will be implemented on a rolling basis through early 2024. Fill out the contact form or call us at 954-715-1197 to schedule your consultation.This debtors' examination is under oath and you should review your petition and the following sample questions to be best prepared. A Chapter 7 or 13 Trustee will ask you basic questions many that are listed below. Creditors usually do not show up for this meeting. All open files from 2000 and forward are available at the Clerk's office. The 341 meeting of creditors is a required meeting between a bankruptcy filer, the bankruptcy trustee, and sometimes creditors. Learn about the 341 meeting of creditors in Fort Lauderdale's bankruptcy court. You don't need someone who will just fill out forms and take you through a bankruptcy assembly line. Upon approval, the court will schedule a meeting of your creditors and appoint a trustee to oversee your proceedings.