I've been placed on a 60-day performance plan and HR has been joining my weekly meetings with my manager. Under California law, employers are not required to allow an advocate or third party to be present during internal meetings.Talk to your manager first, schedule time to talk to HR, have a verbal conversation, remain calm, refrain from accusatory remarks. A company may arrange a meeting for a work-related matter. Being the link between staff and management, they guarantee consistency and fairness. It is possible to question someone who was either part of that second meeting and ask them about "the veracity that" one thing or another was said. What has your manager said? If an employee tries to deny meeting with you or misinterprets what you discussed in a meeting, you will have the documentation to refute them. It's called FOMU - the fear of messing up. Postmeeting, employees should follow up on any agreedupon actions.