These virtual 341 meetings via Zoom will be implemented on a rolling basis through early 2024. A meeting is held so that creditors and the trustee can ask questions about the debtor's financial situation.This debtors' examination is under oath and you should review your petition and the following sample questions to be best prepared. The Section 341 meeting allows creditors to ask questions about a debtor's finances so that they know what to expect in terms of repayment. Find everything you need to know about remote 341A meetings from Marshack Hays Wood. Call 949-333-7777 today to schedule a meeting with us. The meeting of creditors will take place between 21 and 50 after the bankruptcy petition is filed and will usually only last around 10 minutes. Unlike what the term "meeting of creditors" might suggest, creditors rarely attend these meetings. View the complete 341 meeting question list. Questions Creditors Ask at the Meeting of Creditors.