For assistance on completing this form, contact the Office of Finance and Administration at 501-916-3202 or Procurement Services at 501-916-3144. Contact. A. Describe event and benefit to UALR or State: B. Attendees: Attendee list should include state and non-state employees.This page is designed as a one-stop website for forms for the Finance departments. Forms are regularly updated to be user-friendly. UALR Representatives: Chancellor Christina Drale, Vice. Chancellor for Finance and Administration. The EOY committee will now consist of Keith Clark, Theresa Petrey, and. The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Foundation provides over 125 privately funded scholarships to UAHT students in all areas of study. Set up a course in just a few minutes. Create Your Course, Grade Book, Create assignments and quizzes for your class, Course Administration.