Contra Costa LAFCO conducts public meetings in accordance with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act and all other applicable governing legislation. The call and notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted.Members of a board, committee, or commission may only discuss the body's business at properly noticed meetings that the public can attend. LAFCO office at least 48 hours before the meeting at 925-313-7133. At each meeting, the public has the opportunity to address the City Council on items appearing on the agenda and,. For non-urgent matters, call us at 925-688-8000 during regular business hours or fill out the form below. We will respond to emails within two business days. Contra Costa County Office of Education Contra Costa Intranet. Regular meetings are held the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 5 pm. Members of the public may participate in the meeting via teleconference or inperson.