If you did not attend the eligibility meeting, please complete and sign the appropriate section of the enclosed Special Education Eligibility. The school site will give you enrollment procedures and then you will call the Special Education Office to complete the enrollment process at (661) 366-9121.This is a form parents fill out so that you will know how to reach them during an emergency. Parents, I encourage you to reach out to one school board member and talk to them over the phone, speaking professionally and calmly. On a "Notice of IEP Team Meeting" is the school required to provide a listing of specific personnel that will attend? First, you will need to contact the Zoning Department and fill out a Use Permit Application. Beginning on October 18, FCPS will asked all families to fill out a Student-Parent Survey for Federal Impact Aid. All work sessions begin at pm unless otherwise noted. Final agendas and meeting locations will be posted on the City of Fairfax meetings webpage. And if parentsand parents may still bring this up in an IEP meetingthey may wany to call it compensatory, we're going to call it recovery.