The Fairfax County Architectural Review Board (ARB) generally meets at pm on the second Thursday of each month at the Fairfax County Government Center. Immediately inform Local Screening Committee (LSC) chair to be put on the LSC meeting agenda.Council meetings and work sessions begin at 7 pm and are held in Council Chamber, located in Room 100 of the City Hall Annex, 10455 Armstrong Street. Meetings are broadcast, recorded, and uploaded to the Town's website. For more information, please contact Clerk of the Board. Meetings. Quick did not fill out the application. -- In-Person Attendee: Fill out a speaker card and provide to the board secretary. Do not use the signing option when filling out the forms. Fairfax County is not accepting electronic signatures at this time. Except for holidays, general body meetings are scheduled on the First Tuesdays of the month on a quarterly basis, or as needed.