To speed up the onboarding process and prepare you for your first day, we have provided many of the forms you need to complete. Many can be filled out online.It is emailed to current staff (only) on Tuesdays during the school year. Access the current versions of FCPS policies, regulations, and notices using our policies index . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual and Special Meeting of shareholders of Helios Fairfax Partners Corporation. You will receive a letter from Fairfax Water stating that your service line is designated as either unknown, lead, or galvanized, requiring replacement. This notice is to announce a business meeting on Thursday, March 30, 2000. Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting. Board of Trustee members can find meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, plans and more. Hydrant meter inspections are typically done the same day; however, the meters may need to be dropped off and picked up the next business day.