Meeting the Executor Director with the hiring manager sounds like you are a serious finalist and the HM will want you to do well. It can be an awkward situation, so do your best to keep it brief, professional and positive.Keep in mind that your manager may already know. The final round interview is about balance: personality and professionalism, strengths and weaknesses, listening as well as asking and answering questions. ❖ Know how to develop a followup letter which will place you among the top candidates for selection. In this video, Holl shares advice from expert career coaches on what recruiters look for during an initial phone screen of a job interview. Hiring a director of operations for your organization? 1. Too Many Personal Details While interviewers will ask questions to learn more about you, keep your answers on a professional level. Manager interview questions are a vital part of that process. Here are the 20 best interview questions to ask candidates.