Within fifteen (15) business days of the Board of Education meeting, the Board of Education shall render a decision in writing on the matter. The Fulton County Board of Education will meet on Thursday, December 19 at the FCS South Learning Center, 4025 Flat Shoals Road in Union City.All meetings shall be publicized in the following venues: Newsletter, website, marquee, and Ed-Connect. The Regular Meeting of the Fulton School District 58 Board of Education was held on August. 12, 2020, in the Fulton High School Commons. Through the "BoardDocs" web site the public can view agendas and supporting documents associated with each School Board Meeting. Will all public meetings be held in the same format (e.g. Authorization (or a receipt as discussed above), complete Box C, and fill out the attestation (sign, date, and print name). Up to seven (7) speakers per meeting may address the School Board. The Carroll School of Management at Boston College ranks among the world's leading business schools.