Call Georgia 811 (Dial 811 or 800-282-7411) at least 10 business days before your excavation begins. Fill out the form to access a sample of Practical Guidance.Minutes are the written record of all actions in a meeting, including city council meetings. Copyright 2016, ACCG. ACCG serves as the consensus building, training, and legislative organization for all 159 county governments in. Georgia. 1) Understand the key components of an effective and efficient board meeting. 2) Understand and be able to use basic parliamentary procedures. These meetings MUST be initiated from the Timelines page in order to record the meeting dates, which are federally mandated. To receive an email notification about upcoming meetings of the Georgia Access to Medical Cannabis Commission, please complete the 'Notify Me' form below. Pre-Meeting Resources to Have on Hand: 1) Summary of GA Open Meetings Act.