The purpose of the meeting is to give the Trustee and creditors an opportunity to question the debtor under oath. These virtual 341 meetings via Zoom will be implemented on a rolling basis through early 2024.This debtors' examination is under oath and you should review your petition and the following sample questions to be best prepared. The meeting is an opportunity for the bankruptcy trustee and creditors to question the debtor under oath regarding their assets, liabilities, and other matters. The meeting will take place between 21 and 40 days after you file your case. You must appear at this meeting and answer questions from the Trustee about your petition. Your creditors do not usually attend this meeting. The 341 meeting of creditors is a required meeting between a bankruptcy filer, the bankruptcy trustee, and sometimes creditors. Extraordinary creditors' meeting. The extraordinary meeting shall be held in the court on the 5th day after the submission of the request to the court. 4.