To start a case, you must use the Conciliation Court Claim Form. Filling Out the Form.Three Day Sample Letter This letter is a template for a notice of continuing truancy. You can access the letter here. Entities may consider including this notice in the Tennessen Warning notice when collecting the data (See Minnesota Rules 1205.0500). If you wish to speak during the public comment period, please fill out the Request to Speak form no later than 4 p.m. Bibliographical notice of the works of Father Louis Hennepin, a Recollect of the province of St. Anthony, in Artois . Step 7: Oath Ceremony and Case Closing. Permits for a regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting and publish a notice in the official newspaper no less than ten days prior to the hearing. In such cases, and in the absence of them volunteering to leave, you may want to remove a board member respectfully.