Fill it out with what you feel is needed, review it with your manager over 30 minutes, if more time is needed, more time will be scheduled. CivicPlus provides an end-to-end solution that enables municipal clerks to easily manage agendas, minutes, and public meetings.Meetings start at pm. Emphasize that your intention is not to undermine or bypass your manager but to enhance your understanding and alignment with the organization. The City Council meets regularly on the second Monday of each month at p.m. In the Council Chambers at Town Hall, 1600. Plans, organizes, directs, and coordinates the work of management, supervisory, professional and technical personnel; delegates authority and responsibility. Learn about the City Manager, who has administrative responsibility and authority to see that the laws and ordinances of the town are duly enforced. Conduct crew and management team meetings as needed to discuss operation procedures, promotions, safety, security, training, etc. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Hillsborough Township Board of Adjustment will hold its regularly scheduled.