QUORUM: Requirement that three Councilmembers be present to conduct a meeting. RESOLUTIONS: Formal written Council actions.Listed below are the meetings for Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Quote (RFQ), Request for Professional Services (RPS), and Invitation to Bid (ITB). Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in the meeting is asked to contact 813.253. In the special case of an emergency meeting, the agenda will be provided to the Commissioners and posted on the web site at the earliest practical time. The Special Use Permit application must contain all required information and documents needed for the hearing. Sign up to speak during the public portion of the virtual VAB (Value Adj us tment Board) meeting. To sign up to speak, please fill out the online form below. Notice must be given to the news media; there is no requirement that notice be published in the newspaper. Emergency Meeting Notice.