Individuals must register themselves in advance to speak at School Board meetings. Registration opens 72 hours before the meeting start time.A county governmental body shall post notice of each meeting on a bulletin board at a place convenient to the public in the county courthouse. In establishing the time and place for such meeting, the Executive Council shall not give less than 20 days notice thereof. Notice shall be deemed sufficient. Board meetings are open to the public at the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center, which is located at 4400 W 18th St, Houston, TX, 77092. Any Bulldogs planning to try out for the baseball team need to be at this meeting with a parent. On a "Notice of IEP Team Meeting" is the school required to provide a listing of specific personnel that will attend? Meeting Notice and Location. A discouraging number of HISD teachers, principals and support staff received notices this week that indicate their time with the district is up.