The IEP meeting is a time for you to ask questions about the results and to share what you know about your child. The Open Meetings Act (OMA) is designed to ensure that Illinois residents have access to their government.The special township meeting shall be held no less than 14 nor more than 45 days after the written request is filed in the office of the township clerk. Download and complete the Motion to Appoint Special Process Server, available from the Office of the Illinois Courts. The directors shall hold regular meetings at such times as they may designate, and special meetings at the call of the president or of any 2 members. To those matters set forth in the agenda for the special meeting.25. (disabilities) requires special education and related services, complete the next step. If you show up at a meeting and the public body tries to exclude you from it, you do not have time to get a court order. This is required in the case of special, rescheduled, or reconvened meetings.