A. Describe event and benefit to UALR or State: B. Attendees: Attendee list should include state and non-state employees. A. Describe event and benefit to UA Little Rock or State: B. Attendees: Attendee list should include state and nonstate employees.This page is designed as a one-stop website for forms for the Finance departments. Forms are regularly updated to be user-friendly. SAU offers more than 100 academic degree and certificate options, including associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees. Request Form and submitting the signed form to the Department of Human Resources. Great stay made my event special. Anyone parking in the City of Little Rock needs to comply with the following rules and any other special parking regulations. The employee must complete an enrollment form and designate beneficiaries. King enjoyed her time at UAM and UALR, her heart belongs to the University of Arkansas, where she spent an exciting four years.