Fill it out with what you feel is needed, review it with your manager over 30 minutes, if more time is needed, more time will be scheduled. Taking the time and effort to invest in upward relationships, such as those with skiplevel managers, requires strategy, humility, and diligence.You send an email to you boss and your boss'boss. You should indicate what's the reason for the meeting. Skiplevel meetings are oneonone meetings that managers hold with staff other than the people they manage directly. A key management best practice is holding regular, scheduled oneonone meetings with each employee. Figure out an agenda and goal beforehand, write it down, prioritize it and drive the meeting effectively. Learn about how to have a successful meeting with your boss and how you can benefit from preparing ahead of time in this article. Skiplevel meetings are meetings that managers hold with the people their direct reports manage. Good managers frequently have weekly oneonone's with all their direct reports.