Special meetings are announced via a special public notice, which can be found in the meetings and agenda section. Occasionally, the Department of Planning and Development holds special meetings relating to specific topics or areas of the County.A special work session may be called in the same manner and upon the same notice as otherwise set forth in this section for a special meeting of council. We will also host a modified version of our annual salsa contest. Agenda Items Items on the agenda are open for citizen input. Please fill out a card and present it to the City Clerk before the meeting begins. Maricopa CDWID meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at PM at our office 45290 W. Garvey Ave. Meetings are open to the public and we encourage customer input. The MCC has two conference rooms and a large event room seating up to 100 people. 32 miles from Maricopa, AZ. Capacity: 49.