Special meetings are announced via a special public notice, which can be found in the meetings and agenda section. A corporation shall hold a special meeting of shareholders either: 1.On the call of its board of directors or the person or persons authorized to do so. The city's official posting board is located at 39700 W. Civic Center Plaza. Special meetings of the shareholders of issuing public corporations may be called for any purpose or purposes under this chapter at any time. A massage establishment shall comply with the following requirements at all times: 1. Please fill out and submit this form for the Animal Defense League of Arizona (ADLA) to request feral cats to be trapped, neutered, and returned (TNR). Maricopa County November 2022 General Election canvass meeting. The Qualifying Party must also complete a specific trade exam, unless eligible for a waiver. Salt River Project has delivered low-cost, reliable power and water to Arizona for over 100 years.