Attend the meeting armed with pen and paper and be sure to take notes of what is being said. Form required of new employees to verify identity and employment eligibility can be filled out online and saved or printed.Why would the town manager or chair ask the HR director to sit in the next room, with the lights off, recording through the door on their phone? Your best bet is to terminate the employee at the close of business during the last scheduled day of work for the week, which will usually be Friday afternoon. It would be unacceptable for HR to be present in arbitrary business meetings. HRD is a division of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance that provides humanresources (HR) services to the Commonwealth's executive branch. Prepares and defends at Town Meeting municipal articles necessary to uphold personnel policy requirements. • Prepares and administers HR Department budget. Schedule aN APPOINTMENT with HR. Please reach out to Human Resources Director Lisa Marrone or Benefits Coordinator Kaitlin Smith to schedule a time to meet. First time attending a HRMA meeting and not an active chapter member?