A structured interview is the standardizing of the development, administration, scoring, and interpretation of an applicant's score. It's definitely a positive signal.Specifically, the open meeting law generally requires interviews, discussions of professional competence, and hiring decisions to occur in open session. Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about the open meeting law. What is your maiden name? • Are you authorized to work in the. Screening committees usually interview between 10 and 15 candidates from the resume pool. Under RSA 91-A:3,II(b), the "hiring of any person as a public employee" may be done in a nonpublic meeting, which most likely include interviewing the person. The 1 on 1 interview usually will be around 30–45 minutes and I believe it is the right amount of time to get to know the candidate. To learn more on how to negotiate a salary with a senior manager, check out our blog here.