IEP Forms and Notices ; Special Education Eligibility Determination, ED 1 ; Annotated IEP Checklist, CKL 1CKL 5 ; Progress Report, PR 1. The Meeting Invitation should be used each time the school district plans to hold a meeting.The district is required to give proper notice of the IEP meeting to the parents about the purpose, time, and location as well as who has been invited. In a nutshell, the school and parents have to agree when and where they are going to meet. Get answers to common questions about parents' rights during IEP meetings. Find out about note-taking, recording the meeting, who can attend, and more. The student shall be invited to participate in the placement meeting and shall receive notice of such meeting at least five school days prior to the meeting. After the IEP Meeting. If you do not agree to excuse the Team member he or she must attend the IEP Team meeting. Individuals serving in the role of Team Chair are responsible for coordinating the special education team process for initial evaluations and reevaluations.