Article 12 provides no greater protections with respect to the admissibility of hearsay than does the confrontation clause. To provide for a capital outlay program to rehabilitate, produce and modernize state-aided public housing developments.We represent 351 cities and towns and the municipal officials who run them. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has adopted material changes to state zoning laws designed to encourage housing development. •Reliance damages in the case of a losing contract. Our first decade saw many changes in the laws governing public and environmental health. For more information concerning becoming a Foster Parent, please view the Information Session video below. 603 CMR 53.00 sets forth, for all public preschool, elementary, and secondary schools and programs in Massachusetts, including charter and virtual schools. Families with students in pre-k and special education do not need to fill out this form. Silvia School Hours (K-5). am-pm.