○ Notice and Consent for Initial Section 504 Evaluation. For students receiving special education services, an Annual Review of your student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) is required each year.If you do not want your student to participate, then please complete this parent opt-out form and return it to any Charlotte Mecklenburg Library branch. IDEA includes clear and detailed provisions that guide how schools schedule IEP meetings so that parents have the opportunity to be involved and participate. Each school shall have an "attendance plan" that includes procedures for identifying high- risk students, mobilizing all support resources, monitoring students. MeckSuccess provides case management and care coordination services to assist families in achieving greater levels of economic mobility. After filling out the form, the student shall email the application to the address given on the form. C.M. attended the IEP meeting on this evaluation and participated in the meeting. The CharlotteMecklenburg Schools Board of Education will hold a joint meeting with the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners Thursday. RESPOND to Requests for Bids: Shortly after the pre-bid meeting, the CM-at-Risk for the.