The principal should inform all staff members of the school about the need for staff adjustments in a regularly scheduled or special staff meeting. We'll review the update to the phases of the comprehensive data review and provide new information about phase two which is our current phase of work.Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools recognizes that the role of the principal has shifted from a typical administrator to an instructional leadership role. The Board of Education holds regular monthly meetings, open to the public, on the second and fourth Tuesdays, unless indicated otherwise. The principal shall document the manner and date on which notice is provided and shall maintain a copy of the notice in the student's educational record. 4. Interested residents should fill out the online application and submit it to the Office of the City Clerk. A Special Meeting of the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners will be held on October 29, 2024, at pm at the CharlotteMecklenburg Government Center. Evaluator – The person responsible for overseeing and completing the teacher evaluation process.