What is the best way to set up a meeting with your manager? Emphasize that your intention is not to undermine or bypass your manager but to enhance your understanding and alignment with the organization.Fill it out with what you feel is needed, review it with your manager over 30 minutes, if more time is needed, more time will be scheduled. Our performance evaluation process encourages active participation and input from employees and their supervisors and managers. Village Meeting Agendas. You can download the meeting agendas for the Village of Montgomery. Call to Order: The March 22, 2021 action meeting of the Montgomery Township Board of. Commit to share your first 100 day plan with your boss. Write your 100 day plan in a document or email and send to your manager before you meet again. If you are a County employee and need help with a County-related project, please fill out the Request for County Communications Office Support Form.