At a screening Individualized Education Program (IEP) team meeting, the IEP team reviews information from the school-based problem-solving team. IEP. Parents should receive IEP meeting notice.IEP must be developed. These accommodations help students with special health needs to participate in New York City Department of Education (DOE) programs and activities. If you think your child may have a disability you should ask for an Individualized. Education Program (IEP) team meeting to talk about your concerns. To document making changes to the IEP (other than at the annual IEP Team meeting) without convening the. Montgomery County Public Schools' Special Education mission is to engage, encourage, and empower students with disabilities. I always complete the Parent Report a week or two before the meeting and in it, I make the list of services and supports I want my kids. Toward meeting the goals set out in the student's IEP.