Business applications and tax forms to properly register your business and pay your dues are listed below. Withholding is a combination ofthe State income tax, which has rates graduated per taxable income, (see chart below) and local taxes.Income Tax administers individual income tax, business privilege tax, corporate income tax, partnerships, S-Corporation, fiduciary and estate tax. Village Board Meetings Streaming on YouTube! We have an important update regarding our Village Board Meetings. Employees wishing to adjust their withholding to reflect married status should complete a new Maryland Form MW507, as well as federal Form W-4. Withholding agents should withhold county tax based on the employee's Indiana county of residence as of Jan. Returns for tax years 2021, 2022 and 2023 can now be filed electronically through the PA LITE portal. This tax is levied on business property located in the County's parking districts (Bethesda, Silver Spring, Wheaton, and Montgomery Hills). 15. I need assistance in completing forms such as the Rent Rebate application, where should I call?