FOREWORD. The 2011 Nevada Legislature enacted significant changes to the Open Meeting Law. This is the newly revised 2011 Open Meeting Law Manual.Be sure to check out this fun-filled day of leadership development and networking! While it is free to file, the law requires that parties attempt to settle disputes amongst themselves prior to completing an Intervention Affidavit Form 530. Registration for the conference closes on April 1, 2024, or as soon as we reach our capacity of 100 attendees. Join us for Nevada HOSA's premiere event, the State Leadership Conference on March 5-7, 2025 in Reno at the Grand Sierra Resort. We welcome CU Leaders from all aspects of the movement! Register for the industry's premier meetings and events. NMHC Members: Please log in to view the details for member-only events. Join Nevada FCCLA members from across the state for three days of incredible training, intense competition, and inspiring, exciting entertainment in Reno.