Per the Nevada Constitution, regular sessions of the Nevada Legislature must be held during each oddnumbered year, beginning on the. The official flag must be flown over the building where the Legislature meets when the Legislature is in a regular or special session.The YY is the year of the session the BDR was created. Steve Sisolak called lawmakers into two special legislative sessions to deal with the pandemic's devastating impact. This Policy Insights brief summarizes key themes from the 2012 legislative sessions and highlights some emerging issues to watch in the West. Recap: Assembly passes divisive mailin voting bill as Nevada's 32nd special session starts. Prescribe rules to "fill up the details" of a statutory scheme,. ACR2, Pass, Expressing appreciation to the staff of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for their service during the 31st Special Session of the Nevada Legislature. The IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) hosts special Saturday help events.