Employees must be notified in writing of any company policy or practice that results in the loss or forfeiture of vacation time or pay. WARN notices in North Carolina require 60 days' advance notification for employees facing layoffs or plant closures.Third, under North Carolina law, it would be fully lawful for the employee to secretly record the meeting without even informing the supervisor. Each official meeting of a public body shall be open to the public, and any person is entitled to attend such a meeting. They use the Separation of Employment Notification (Form NCSEP) to notify the Department if the employee is no longer employed. Only business connected with the emergency may be considered at a meeting to which notice is given pursuant to this paragraph. (c). Unless otherwise indicated in the notice, any and all business may be transacted at a meeting of the Board of Directors. If in doubt, seek the advice of a licensed North Carolina attorney who concentrates in the area of Labor and Employment or Workers' Compensation. North Carolina workplace laws notice to employees, North Carolina, United States, N.C. Dept. This guide will help you file formation documents, get tax identification numbers, and set up your company records.