The official website of the City of Oakland. • Fill out and submit a blue speaker card which is available in the meeting room.Special "Notes" are provided throughout this guide as helpful hints in complying with the open meeting and public record laws. A meeting of the Full Board will be held on Monday, January 13 at 6 pm. Members have called a special meeting and we want to be able to set the agenda and run the meeting to conduct business at the meeting, will this be possible? February 19, 2025, pm, Board of Directors Meeting. Meeting Schedule 2023-24, OSA Board meeting Agendas and Minutes, All OSA Board meetings are open to the public. 25 OSA Board meeting Agendas and Minutes. All meetings are open to the public, and residents are encouraged to attend. Persons speaking at San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board meetings may be accustomed to filling out a green speaker card.