135th General Assembly - Special Session. Acts. The provisions of law conferring power on the Governor to convene the General Assembly in special session are set out in section 8 of."Emergency meetings" are special meetings that are needed because a situation requires immediate action. Mike DeWine on Thursday called a special session for the state's Legislature to get President Joe Biden on the ballot this November. (b) Sessions of the House at which roll call votes are taken shall be held on the dates and at the times prescribed in the schedule. Governor Mike DeWine turned to the Constitution this week, calling the Ohio General Assembly into Special Session on Tuesday, May 28th. Yes, students are eligible to compete for judging in up to two Special Session Awards in addition to their regular session. Fill out a speakers request card, include all pertinent information and submit to the Clerk of the Board prior to the beginning of the meeting or hearing. The special session was called for Tuesday. The Complete Guide to Testifying in House or Senate Committee.