The Prior Written Notice states that the IEP team considered the continuation of Petitioner's "traditional high school setting. Applications for IEP can be made through the child's school, with the process involving evaluations and meetings with school staff.Provide a written Notice of Intent to the Home Education Office of the School District within thirty (30) days of establishing the home education program. Business days notice to participate in an IEP meeting; OSH should also be provided all medical documentation related to the case. At the time of applying for enrollment with the Full-Time Virtual Program, families will be asked to submit a copy of any existing IEP. Edit, sign, and share Individual Education Plan IEP - the School District of Palm Beach bb online. In a nutshell, the school and parents have to agree when and where they are going to meet. Official website of the Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) doing business as the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency.