By signing in or creating an account, some fields will auto-populate with your information. For more information, call the Agenda Coordinator at 561-355-3229.Instructions: Posting Board Steps for Staff and Agents to follow: 1. Zoning Technician provides the Agent with the Public Notice Sign Requirement. The council is responsible for meetings is the forum for enacting and amending laws, setting policy, and making decisions that govern the city. Each month, the School Board of Palm Beach County holds public meetings to discuss educational issues and act on items requiring Board approval. If you are interested in having a City representative take part in a future meeting, please complete a Request for City Neighborhood Meeting Participation Form. How do I know if someone is a lobbyist or employs lobbyists? How to record a Notice of Commencement in Palm Beach County. The General Employees Pension Board meets quarterly or on-call with 7 days notice given in advance of meetings.