Members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled and special meetings. Please contact the appropriate department for meeting schedules and locations.The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Formal and Informal meetings are open to the public and will proceed under ARS 38-431 Special—Special meetings can be called as needed to conduct any business and can include any meeting that is scheduled after the board calendar is approved. Board meetings are conducted at the District Office, 20402 N. 15th Ave, at p. Conducting a successful annual meeting requires knowledge of the association's documents, planning, organization, preparation and execution of the plan. There will be a special meeting of the Arizona School Facilities Board to wrap up agenda items from last week's meeting. Governing Board meetings are held twice each month on Tuesdays, except for November and December, which have one meeting. All meetings start at pm. Governing Board Meeting - Retreat - to be held at Canyon 49 on the GCU campus.