The Planning Department's development review process begins with the Consolidated Development Application which consists of three basic components. Overall, redevelopment in Riverside will create abundant job opportunities.Work is slated to start November 2024 and run through Spring 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Any person wishing to participate remotely must complete a "Speaker Identification Form" at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Completing this application in full is important to communicate the information necessary for determining completeness consistent. Special assistance is needed to participate in the WRCOG Executive Committee meeting, please contact WRCOG at (951) 4056702. Items may be taken out of order upon request of the Mayor or Members of the City Council. If the Speaker wants to cut taxes, I'm all for it and believe they should be across the board. Once registered, the society is obligated to hold general body meetings, such as the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or special meetings.