Fill out the registration. Public Comments: The public can give comments to the Council during the meetings online through Webex or in-person in Room 326 of the City and County Building.See below for information about upcoming items for special elections, public hearings, and public meetings. Attendees can fill out a comment card in order to be added to the comment queue. To sign up to speak at the next board business meeting, please complete the request to speak form. In-person attendees can fill out a comment card and online participants will register through Webex in order to be added to the comment queue. After a year of conducting online public meetings, the Salt Lake City Council is coming back with a hybrid meeting approach. Find books, music, movies and more in The City Library's collection that would be of interest to adults. With the exception of lane change application forms ALL forms must be submitted via e-mail to the appropriate HRS staff member. Fill out ADA Medical Information Questionnaire. Links.