Section 2.1 – Members and Officers . In a Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action, the employee is advised of their right to respond to the appointing authority, either orally or in writing,.Please contact the City Clerk or call 909-384-5002 for assistance outside of this timeframe. Attend the meeting in person and fill out a speaker slip. The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. There is no legal "notice" required for an employer to call a meeting. Our Mission is to Empower our District Leaders through engagement, guidance and support, creating and maintaining positive relations with our employees. Human Resources is continuously seeking viable candidates to build a supportive work environment that attracts, develops and retains a diverse work force. How Do I Register My Business? STEP 1: Fill in the Blanks on the California and Federal.