Under California law, corporations are required to have an annual meeting of shareholders and to hold regular meetings of the board of directors. CORPORATE NAME: SAN DIEGO CA 92130-2066.Statements of Information, Common Interest Development Statements and Publicly Traded Disclosure Statements can be filed online at bizfileOnline.sos.ca.gov. The forms constitute the bulk of those necessary for the day to day keeping of the corporate formalities in a California corporation. To view documents for past meetings, find the meeting date and click on the links below the calendar. Only published agendas will appear. One of the most critical tasks carried out during the initial meeting of the Board of Directors is the approval of the corporate Bylaws. If you want to speak at the meeting, you need to fill out a Request to Speak form. Forms are available outside Room 310 and in the Chamber. Where Mid-Century Cool and Warm Hospitality Come to Mingle.