On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed. The form you need may be in this list.These virtual 341 meetings via Zoom will be implemented on a rolling basis through early 2024. This page contains links to forms commonly used in probate cases. Most are State Court (Judicial Council) forms. On the home page, left side, locate the UST office nearest to your courthouse to find information about how to participate in a meeting of creditors. Claim forms and instructions are available online and from the City Clerk's Office, (408) 6152220, 1500 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050. A meeting is held so that creditors and the trustee can ask questions about the debtor's financial situation. Note: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodation during this meeting should. :53 >> Good evening, everyone.