View agendas and minutes for General Meetings. Below, you may view a Suffolk County Planning Commission meeting notice, meeting agenda, staff reports, meeting summary, or resolutions.Browse through a list of our county committees to find meeting information, agendas and minutes, a list of members, and about each committee. Check meeting notice for time and location. Farmland Meetings and Minutes. Keeping track of the Planning Commission public hearing items will inform you about what's coming up for City Council vote the following month. See sample below to learn how to use the form! The Suffolk City School Board will HOLD A SCHOOL BOARD RETREAT ON WEDNESDAY, August 7, 2024, from 4 pm until 7 pm AT COLLEGE AND CAREER ACADEMY AT PRUDEN. The School Board Policy Review Committee will meet on Monday, October 28th, 2024, at PM. The location is the Curtis R. Milteer, Sr. Recreation Center. Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act requires public schools to offer services and accommodations for eligible students with disabilities.