In cases of emergency, the board must post notice of the date, place and subject of the meeting for not less than 2 hours prior to the meeting. Notification must be made four calendar days before the board meeting and include all proposed speakers. 12.Motions for Rehearing. a. A county governmental body shall post notice of each meeting on a bulletin board at a place convenient to the public in the county courthouse. Your principal (or other administrator) is obligated to provide notice of the meeting in a timely manner to allow for your designated representative's presence. You are entitled to at least a fiveday notice. You may agree to hold the meeting within less than 5 days of the written notice. You should have mostly everything prepared at least 5 school days before the IEP meeting. Schools must give enough advance notice for parents to have the opportunity to attend their child's ARD meeting. Teachers are responsible for at least 3 contacts with parents.