Written notification of a pre-deprivation meeting should be given to the employee. Video, text and minutes from this meeting are available on the County Clerk's website.Have been a Travis County resident for the last two years. ARB members are appointed for two-year terms. A county governmental body shall post notice of each meeting on a bulletin board at a place convenient to the public in the county courthouse. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 60TH AIR MOBILITY WING TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, LOCAL 1764, AFL-CIO. The annual notices listed below are for employees to review. The meetings will be informal, without a specific agenda, with a goal of achieving improved communications and understanding between the Parties. A county governmental body shall post notice of each meeting on a bulletin board at a place convenient to the public in the county courthouse. The annual notices listed below are for employees to review.