You can fill out the form found on this page. We appreciate any feedback so that we can improve this site!- It requires that there be notice and an open deliberative process before a public body votes on matters under its jurisdiction. The IEP is your child's written individualized educational program that is developed, reviewed, and revised in a meeting. The IEP is your child's written individualized Education Program that is developed, reviewed, and revised in a meeting. At least two weeks before the local school board meets, the school board shall give public notice of the meeting to fill the vacancy. On a "Notice of IEP Team Meeting" is the school required to provide a listing of specific personnel that will attend? Utah Public Notice Website: means a state website created under Utah Code §63A-16-. 601. Meetings Open to the Public. As the 2013 Utah Teacher of the Year, she was interviewed in the video linked here.