A corporation shall hold a meeting of members annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. Such request shall be made at least once a year in writing and include the lot owner's name, address, zip code, and any email address as appropriate.HOAs will hold regular monthly and annual meetings that cover a wide range of topics such as financials, property, residential living, and much more. The DC Condominium Act requires that all meetings of a Board of Directors be open to all members of an Association who are in good standing. OF APRIL IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-EIGHT IN THE. L'Auberge Provencale is ideal for small executive Virginia retreats and meetings for up to 20 people. This chapter establishes the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) financial policies relating to conference planning, oversight, and reporting. This article is intended to discuss options available to Virginia nonstock corporations to continue corporate governance best practices. Review Staffing Reports (i.e. Virginia Business' audience research indicates that 43 percent of our readers' companies will be holding off-site meetings within the next 12 months.